List of Selected Publications

List of Selected Publications

Bergsland, A. and Wechsler, R. (2016). Interaction design and use cases for MotionComposer, a device turning movement into music. SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, special Edition on: Sound and Listening in Healthcare and Therapy. Vol 5, No 1. [pdf]

Scheunert, U.; Günther, H., Dietz J. and Wechsler, R. (2016). Die Erfassung Dreidimensionaler Menschlicher Bewegungen zur interaktiven Sounderzeugung. Paper and live demonstration presented at INNTERACT Conference 2016, 3D Sensation. Chemnitz Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany, 23.-24.6.2016. [pdf]

Dietz, J. and Wechsler, R. (2016). Der MotionComposer - Ein Werkzeug für kreativen Ausdruck (auch) für Menschen mit Komplexer Behinderung. Aktivität und Kreativität bei Menschen mit Komplexer Behinderung. Ed. Nicola Maier-Michalitsch and Gerhard Grunick. Düsseldorf: Verlag Selbstbestimmtes Leben, 2016. 100-07. [pdf]

Wechsler, R. and Bergsland, A. (2016). MotionComposer - a device for persons with (and without) disabilities. Porto International Conference on Musical Gesture as Creative Interface, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal, 17.-19.3.2016. [pdf]

Bergsland,A. and Wechsler,R. (2015). Composing Interactive Dance Pieces for the MotionComposer, a device for Persons with Disabilities, Proceedings of NIME2015 (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge LA, USA, May 31-June3, 2015. [pdf]

Peñalba, A, Valles, M-J., Partesotti, E., Castañón, R., Sevillano, M-A. (2015). Types of interaction in the use of MotionComposer, a device that turns movement into sound, Proceedings of ICMEM – The International Conference on the Multimodal Experience of Music, University of Sheffield, England. 3.2015. [pdf]

Konteogergakopoulos, A, Wechsler, R. & Keay-Bright, W. (2013). Camera-Based MotionTracking and Camera-Based Motion-Tracking and Performing Arts for Persons with Motor Disabilities and Autism (p. 294-322), in Assistive Technologies, Disability Informatics and Computer Access for Motor Limitations, IGI Global Publishers. [pdf]

Bergsland, A. & Wechsler, R. (2013). Movement-Music Relationships and Sound Design in MotionComposer, an Interactive Environment for Persons with (and without) Disabilities, Paper presentation for Re-New Conference of Digital Arts, Copenhagen, 2013. [pdf]

Billerbeck, U. (2012). Bewegung und Klang – Eine Woche mit dem MotionComposer, Unterstützte Kommunikation; ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication), Loeper Literaturverlag, Karlsruhe; 2.2012. [pdf]

2010 - 2011
Acitores, A.P.; Wechsler, R. (2010). DANZA INTERACTIVA CON NIÑOS PARÁLISIS CEREBRAL, XXVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 7, 8 y 9 de julio de 2010, Valladolid, Spain. 2010. [pdf]

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