

Please note: The English download section is under construction.

Most materials are currently only available in German. If you need more materials or information, please send a message to support[at] or use our contact form.

MotionComposer Media Kit (English)
Images, logo and flyer for fundraising or press coverage. We are happy to provide additional content upon request.

MotionComposer Flyer (English)

The following materials will soon be available for you:

  • Short Presentation MotionComposer
  • more to come...

For our MotionComposer owners we have additional exclusive materials:

  • Presentation from the introductory workshop
  • User manual including including MotionComposer gestures and activities
  • Latest letters to our customers
  • Tipps and tricks to get the most out of your MotionComposer
  • Info on update procedure

Want more materials that aren't available yet? Let us know!

Inclusion and self-determined participation through music from movement.
Copyright 2023 | MotionComposer GmbH | All rights reserved
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