About us

The MotionComposer creates music from movement and enables people of all abilities to express themselves creatively and artistically.

Our vision is to establish inclusive dance and music making in society with the MotionComposer and in this way create happy moments for ALL. We want the MotionComposer to become so well known that it is part of the standard equipment in every therapeutic or educational institution and motioncomposing stands for inclusive dance and music. The MotionComposer should not only be a household name in the field of inclusion. We also want to spread our idea in art and culture to create breathtaking performances and installations.

Our customers are institutions for the disabled, educational institutions as well as art and culture professionals, whom we inspire to work with the MotionComposer in person-to-person demonstrations.

We not only offer the MotionComposer as a device, but also accompany you in becoming an expert with the MotionComposer yourself. You can train further in workshops and we are always there for you with help and advice through our community. We are constantly expanding the MotionComposer with new sound worlds, the "Easy Mode" and the possibility for artists to make their own music available in the MotionComposer.

We are a team of creative and passionate people who work for an inclusive society and live participation.

We see ourselves as a young company at the interface between technical innovation, the health industry and musical-dance expression. Everyone contributes to the success of our start-up and it is important to us that everyone is aware of this responsibility. It takes originality and cleverness to make our vision a reality. That's why we have a team that is characterised by diversity, a wide range of skills and life worlds. It is often not easy to reconcile this diversity - but we succeed thanks to our collegial and appreciative team culture. We work decentrally and with flexible working hours, because a good work-life balance and family friendliness are part of our self-image.


Josepha Dietz

Josepha Dietz

Management & Support

Ellen Forke

Ellen Forke

Customer advice & offers

Hanna Schenk

Hanna Schenk

User service & support

Robert Wechsler

Robert Wechsler

Development & Support

Motion Composers

coming soon


Josepha Dietz

Managing Director

Robert Wechsler

Managing Director & Inventor

Ullrich Scheunert

Consultant Sensor Technology

Mathias Reinhardt

Strategic Advisor


Robert Wechsler is a dancer and choreographer. He has always been fascinated by following movements to generate electronic music. He has worked in various projects and with numerous experts since the mid-90s to make music and movement possible for everyone.

Robert had the idea for MotionComposer in October 2010. He had a thought that stuck with him: to develop a device that would make motion tracking and the music generated from it available to everyone. And more than that - he wanted a device that specifically took into account the needs of people with disabilities.

So the MotionComposer was first developed as a thought experiment in research at the Bauhaus Universität in Weimar and later with the Fraunhofer-Institut IOS in Jena. Numerous people with different abilities participated in tests and further development and drove the project forward.

In 2011, the project at Bauhaus University Weimar was funded by an EXIST-Gründerstipendium. Josepha Dietz became part of the MotionComposer team to develop the MotionComposer to market maturity and to set up a company.

Founded in 2018, MotionComposer GmbH finally brought the MotionComposer to market. The young company is constantly developing the MotionComposer further. This is done in collaboration with numerous composers and the technology and manufacturing partner FusionSystems in Chemnitz.

Today, we are proud that the MotionComposer is available in numerous institutions throughout Germany and Switzerland. In this way, we help people to experience music and dance every day. In this way, we contribute to participation and inclusion.

We thank all those who accompany us on our way, especially the foundations, institutions and also private donors and support associations who make it possible for institutions to purchase a MotionComposer.

Our Clients


Düren, Germany


Magdeburg, Germany


Friedberg, Germany


Hamburg, Germany


Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany


Stuttgart, Germany

Körperbehinderte Allgäu

Kempten, Germany

Oberlin-Schulverbund Diakonie Kork

Kehl-Kork, Germany

Schule am Pappelhof

Berlin, Germany

Schule am Lebensbaum

Halle, Germany

Robinienhof Schule

Borna, Germany


Ludwigshafen, Germany

Foundation Cerebral

Bern, Switzerland

Conpart e.V.

Bremen, Germany

Diakovere Annastift

Hannover, Germany

Rotenburger Werke

Rotenburg-Wümme, Germany

Job offers

At the moment we do not have any vacancies.
However, you are welcome to send us an unsolicited application via info[at]motioncomposer.de.

[English Version] Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir:

eine/n Mitarbeiter:in Vertrieb (m/w/d)
in Teilzeit (20 Wo.-Std.), in Anstellung

Deine Aufgaben:

  • Menschen für den Gedanken begeistern, dass Musik und Bewegungsausdruck für alle da ist
    Identifizierung potenzieller neuer Kund:innen
  • Kundenansprache sowie Beratung potenzieller Kund:innen zum MotionComposer
  • Erschließung neuer Kundensegmente und Internationalisierung
  • Erstellen von Angeboten und (Ab-)Rechnungen
  • Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Vertriebsstrategien
  • Bei Interesse und Eignung: Durchführung von Präsentationen und Einführungsworkshops mit unserem MotionComposer bei potenziellen Kund:innen

Dein Profil:

  • Kenntnisse zur Marktrecherche und die Fähigkeit, potenzielle Kund:innen zu identifizieren. Freude daran, diese direkt und freundlich anzusprechen
  • Organisiertes und strukturiertes Vorgehen sowie die Fähigkeit, selbstständig und in einem dezentral aufgestellten Team auf Augenhöhe zu arbeiten
  • Abschluss bzw. Berufserfahrung im Bereich Marketing und Vertrieb sind wünschenswert, beispielsweise als Wirtschaftsassistent:in, Betriebswirt:in oder Vertriebsmitarbeiter:in
  • vertriebsaffine Quereinsteiger:innen mit passendendem Branchenwissen, beispielsweise aus der Tanz- oder Musiktherapie, Ergotherapie, Logopädie oder Sozialpädagogik sind herzlich zur Bewerbung eingeladen

Wir bieten:

  • Arbeit in einem Team mit professionellen Tänzern, Musikern und Therapeuten mit einer gemeinsamen Vision: Menschen mit verschiedenen Begabungen Zugang zu bisher verschlossenen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten zu ermöglichen. Wir glauben, dass Musik und Bewegungsausdruck universelle und gesunde Praktiken sind, die die Lebensqualität für alle verbessern können.
  • Die Chance, Teil eines wachsenden Unternehmens zu werden, das die Therapie für viele Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung revolutionieren kann.
  • Die Möglichkeit, dich weiterzuentwickeln und bei der Planung unserer strategischen Prozesse und Entscheidungen dabei zu sein
  • Flexible und familienfreundliche Arbeitszeiten und Home-Office oder Büro in Chemnitz
    Faire Vergütung und eine herzliche und wertschätzende Unternehmenskultur in einem interdisziplinären Team

Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen sende bitte bis 12.04.2023 in einer pdf-Datei per E-Mail an Josepha Dietz: dietz@motioncomposer.com. Weitere Informationen zu uns und dem MotionComposer findest du hier und in diesem Video erlebst du wie unser MotionComposer funktioniert.

Inclusion and self-determined participation through music from movement.
Copyright 2023 | MotionComposer GmbH | All rights reserved
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