Workshop "DANCE and INCLUSION" for professionals (45min.), free of charge
15 and 16 September 2023 from 11-11:45am
REHACARE Düsseldorf, Hall 7A, BRSNW Sportcenter, MotionComposer GmbH
Dance enables joy, self-efficacy, mobility and well-being. With the conviction that everyone can dance and make music - even if it is only with their eyes - we dedicate ourselves to the potential that dance and movement play opens up. The workshop will include a practical and theoretical exploration of the positive effects and challenges on the path to free dance expression for ALL.
The workshop will be led by dancer and choreographer Daniela Lehmann. She has been working with people with a wide range of abilities for many years and is an employee of MotionComposer GmbH.
Daniela is looking forward to your registration by email: info(at)