Inclusion and self-determined participation with the MotionComposer

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A device that turns movement into music.
For people of all abilities.

  • movements become audible
  • over 50 creative sound worlds
  • for everyone including people with complex disabilities
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Motion Composer

Use the MotionComposer for

Education & Inclusion

Create inclusive activities and participation. Promote individual expression and movement with music, dance and role play in curative education and for all-day activities.
Education & Inclusion


Promote movement and self-efficacy through music. Use the MotionComposer for music and pain therapy, rehabilitation, Alternative Communication (AAC) and many more.

Art & Leisure

Create unique dance-musical performances in creative sound worlds with your movements. For dancers, artists, musicians and inclusive bands.

   Art & Leisure

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What our customers say

  • Annette Feldmann-Vogel
    Deputy Head of School, Astrid Lindgren House, Kempten

    With music, the children's attention is immediately captured and we get a completely different approach to them. The MotionComposer not only motivates them to move and try out new movement patterns, it also noticeably strengthens the children's and young people's self-confidence, as they can feel their self-efficacy here and experience it first-hand.

  • Katharina Bismarck
    Friedrich-von-Schiller-Förderschule, Wolfsburg

    We are amazed at how quickly the pupils grasped the connection between movement and the sounds it produces. They explored the sound environments for themselves with great enthusiasm. [...] It was a special experience for our students to be able to express themselves emotionally and creatively in this way. Since the MotionComposer is an innovative medium of expression, it offers the best conditions for the users to experience themselves in their competences.

    Friedrich Schiller Förderschule Wolfsburg
  • A. Grabe
    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Schule am Lebensbaum, Halle

    For children and young people with severe disabilities, independently triggering activities is a "rare moment". The MotionComposer enables these pupils to create music with the smallest movements. The MotionComposer can be used for children with no motor impairments, for wheelchair users as well as for pupils with severe movement impairments, e.g. lying in bed and only able to move their eyes or facial muscles.

    Schule am Lebensbaum Halle
  • Neele Hülser
    Inclusion Officer, Hochsauerlandkreis Music School, Meschede

    The MotionComposer offers a multitude of possible applications through its sound worlds and, above all, a direct connection between movement and sound/music. We are curious to see how the MotionComposer can be integrated into our everyday music school life and which projects will take place in the future. We are also excited to see what further developments and progress the MotionComposer will make and look forward to many new impressions and experiences.

    Musikschule Hochsauerlandkreis
  • Thomas Erne
    Director of the Cerebral Foundation, Berne

    Thanks to the Motion Composer, it becomes possible for people with severe impairments to communicate and express their feelings. Because the innovative device reacts to even the tiniest movements, it is even suitable for people who can barely move under their own power. [...] The residents [of various Swiss institutions] can now use the MotionComposer for their music therapies. [...] The enthusiasm of the people concerned shows the potential that the MotionComposer has.

  • CJD Christophorusschule, Sangerhausen
    Xing post from 10.1.2023

    Imagine that a pupil can play the sound of a musical instrument with just one gentle movement - and a school class becomes a powerful sounding orchestra. Just by moving! What does that bring? Not only greater participation in music lessons, but also a completely new approach to dance and music - and this also for many people who were previously denied this due to a disability experience. So it is good that the MotionComposer is an integral part of the music lessons at our Christophorus School.

  • Ignacio Acosta
    Music promotion, Caritas Centre St. Vincent, Ingolstadt

    For us it was a great experience to get to know the device and Robert personally. The Motion Composer has given our clients the opportunity to communicate with us and get closer to the music. For this reason, I am very grateful that we have the device in our facility.

    Caritas St. Vinzenz
  • Uwe Schultz
    Former headmaster, Schule am Burkersdorfer Weg, Dresden

    Actually, we know how intelligent our students are, but we always need new occasions where they can prove it to us - with the MotionComposer project this was wonderfully the case!

    Diakonie Anstalt Dresden

Prices and packages



MotionComposer including loudspeakers, tablet controller and transport case 

3 music environments 

Introductory Workshop

Hands-on book, video tutorials and access to the MotionComposer community

3 years warranty and suppor

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MotionComposer including loudspeakers, tablet controller and transport case

6 music environments 

Introductory workshop
+ 2 workshops for music environments 

Hands-on book, video tutorials and access to the MotionComposer community

3 years warranty, support and maintenance
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MotionComposer including loudspeakers, tablet controller and individually designed case

6 music environments 

Introductory workshop
+ 2 workshops for music environments
+ 1 workshop with the MotionComposer inventor 

Hands-on book, video tutorials and access to the MotionComposer community

3 years warranty, support and maintenance
Read more

Preise und Pakete



MotionComposer inkl. Lautsprecher, Tablet und Transportkoffer 

3 Musikumgebungen  
Inkl. Einführungsworkshop 
Inkl. Mitmachbuch, Video-Tutorials und Zugang zur MotionComposer-Community 
3 Jahre Garantie und Support 
Erfahre mehr



MotionComposer inkl. Lautsprecher, Tablet und Transportkoffer 
Mind. 6 Musikumgebungen 
Inkl. Einführungsworkshop 
+ 2 Workshops für Musikumgebungen 

Inkl. Mitmachbuch, Video-Tutorials und Zugang zur MotionComposer-Community 
3 Jahre Garantie und Support + 2x Wartung 
Erfahre mehr



MotionComposer inkl. Lautsprecher, Tablet und Case in Wunschdesign 
Mind. 6 Musikumgebungen 
Inkl. Einführungsworkshop 
+ 2 Workshops für Musikumgebungen 
+ 1 Workshop mit dem MotionComposer-Erfinder 
Inkl. Mitmachbuch, Video-Tutorials und Zugang zur MotionComposer-Community 
3 Jahre Garantie und Support + 2x Wartung 
Erfahre mehr

Want to learn more about our products? Get in touch!

We will be happy to answer your questions by email, phone or in an online meeting with you. 

Get in touch!
Tanja Pfefferlein

Teilhabe sollte nicht an finanziellen Mitteln scheitern.

Gern prüfen wir für euch Förder- und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten.
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Our customers


Düren, Germany


Magdeburg, Germany

Logo der Blindenschule Friedberg


Friedberg, Germany

Logo Kurt-Juster-Schule


Hamburg, Germany

Logo des Behindertenhilfe Limbach-Oberfrohna e.V.


Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany

Logo der Olgäle-Stiftung


Stuttgart, Germany

Logo der Körperbehinderte Allgäu gGmbH

Körperbehinderte Allgäu

Kempten, Germany

Oberlin-Schulverbund Diakonie Kork

Kehl-Kork, Germany

Logo Schule am Pappelhof - Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung

Schule am Pappelhof

Berlin, Germany

Schule am Lebensbaum

Halle, Germany

Robinienhof Schule

Borna, Germany


Ludwigshafen, Germany

Foundation Cerebral

Bern, Switzerland

Conpart e.V.

Bremen, Germany

Logo Diakovere Hannover

Diakovere Annastift

Hannover, Germany

Logo Rotenburger Werke

Rotenburger Werke

Rotenburg-Wümme, Germany

Partners and supporters

Inclusion and self-determined participation through music from movement.
Copyright 2023 | MotionComposer GmbH | All rights reserved
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